Holiday Rentals with Pools in Queensland, Australia

Best places to stay in Queensland: holidays with pools

Check out this collection of holiday rentals with pools in Queensland, Australia for some of the best places to visit over Christmas! Located in the most northeastern part of the country, this state is the home to the largest coral reef system in the world. Go snorkeling int he Great Barrier Reef, which has over 3,000 reef systems surrounded by beautiful azure waters. Explore Boodjamulla National Park, known as one of Queensland's best-kept secrets as it's thriving with wildlife and seemingly untouched trails. Go into the depths of the Undara Lava Tubes, home to over 100 volcanoes, cones, and vents. Don't forget to book a luxury cabin or cottage for one of the best places to visit in beautiful Australia!

Top places to stay and original "hotels" in Queensland

Best holiday rentals with pools: luxury holidays in Australia
