Holiday Rentals with Pools in Victoria, Australia

Discover where to stay in Victoria, Australia

Check out this collection of holiday rentals with pools in Victoria, Australia for some of the most unusual vacation rentals in the state. Located in the southern tip of the country, this state is the smallest mainland state in Australia and the second-most populous state overall. Drive the Great Ocean Road, which is often referred to as the best road trip in Australia. Go bushwalking in the Grampians, which features the best bushwalking terrain along with colorful wildflowers, cascading waterfalls, and ancient Indigenous sites. See wild emus in Tower Hill—one of the top places in the country to see native wildlife—or the penguins on Phillip Island. Don't forget to book one of these best places to stay in Victoria to get your glamping adventure started today!

Browse this collection of original "hotels" in Australia and other accommodation

Find the most unusual vacation rentals in Victora
