Beach Bungalows on Secluded Island, Thailand

Hut in Chum Kho, Central Thailand

2 guests

Choose from three different types of bungalows, all unique in color style and size.

Original Bungalow - A thatched-roof, one-bedroom bungalow with a six-foot bed, ceramic tile floors, and a shower, a sink, and a toilet. There is a small entrance balcony also.

Standard Bungalow - These one-bedroom bungalows have a normal roof with a 6-foot bed, ceramic tile floors, and a shower, a sink, and a toilet. A small entrance balcony also leads into the bungalow.

Deluxe Bungalow - This bungalow has a larger bedroom with a six-foot bed, ceramic tile floors, and the standard bathroom which includes a shower, a sink, and a toilet. The bungalow has a small balcony.

General amenities such as towels and bedding are provided. Guests are also provided with a lantern upon arrival for sunset since there is no electricity apart from the hours of 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.

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Features and services

Most popular features

  • Fishing

  • Wildlife watching

  • kayak


  • Shower

  • Water

  • Infants allowed

  • Children allowed

  • Sink

  • Toilet

  • Towels

  • Linens and pillows

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Where you will stay

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Chum Kho, Central Thailand

Detailed location provided after booking

Scenic views
25 kilometers from southern Thailand's mainland, Koh Jum island is untouched by the over development that much of southern Thailand has experienced in recent decades. A place that provides solitude on quiet beaches, a slow paced lifestyle, and villagers who are warm and welcoming, Koh Jum is truly a hidden gem where guests can come to escape. The white sand beaches with screw palms and coconut trees meet turquoise waters. The sand is scattered with crabs and the tropical forest is filled with jungle birds, troops of monkeys, giant lizards, and colorful butterflies. There are no concrete buildings, loud commercialized bars, or gigantic roads. There is also no electricity outside of the hours of 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Koh Jum island is authentic and preserved. It is less frequented by tourists and a true paradise beach setting.
Activities near Chum Kho
  • kayak


  • Fishing

  • Wildlife watching

Choose from beach or jungle walking, crab catching, beach fishing, kayaking, bird and monkey watching, hiking, volleyball, swimming, and board games. Guests can also rent a kayak, go squid fishing, or rent a motorcycle and tour the island. Another option is to rent a long tail boat that is fully equipped for deep sea fishing. There is also a large fishing boat available for rent with a toilet, a kitchen, and space for 8 adults for an overnight trip. Guests may also choose to charter a boat for island hopping.
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Things to know

Arrival and departure

  • Check-in: Flexible

  • Check-out: Flexible

House rules

  • No pets allowed

  • No smoking

  • No parties

  • No events

Cancellation policy


Free cancellation available up to 24 hours before check-in day

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Additional info

Between May 1st and September 30th, this glamping site does not have vacation rentals available since this is generally the island's off-season.
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