Pet-Friendly Rentals near Emsdale, Ontario

Best pet-friendly vacation spots in Ontario

Explore all the unique terrain that makes up the country of Canada when you book a rental from this collection of pet-friendly rentals near Emsdale, Ontario! Nestled in the heart of southwestern Ontario, this small town is located right outside of Algonquin Provincial Park. Visit Brooks Falls, a scenic waterfall near Emsdale that is easily accessible from Highway 11. Spend the day fishing or canoeing on Little Doe Lake, a charming lake that's especially popular during autumn when the leaves surrounding the water change colors. See if you can spot a moose or one of the other wild animals that call Algonquin Provincial Park home. Don't forget to book an eco-friendly tree house or a lakefront safari tent to make this trip truly unforgettable.

Top places to go camping with your dog in Ontario

Dog-friendly vacation spots and pet-friendly activities
