Rent a Cabin near Merrick State Park, Wisconsin

Discover the top Wisconsin State Park camping this year!

Find the best fishing spots in Wisconsin: Camping near Merrick State Park, WI

We list the most popular rent a cabin near merrick state park, wisconsin!

Check out the best places to camp near Merrick State Park: Wisconsin cabins await

Wanting to discover the top Wisconsin State Park camping this year? You've come to the right place. Why not rent a cabin near Merrick State Park, Wisconsin! Family vacations in nature mean there will be plenty of fun things for everyone to do. Merrick State Park is located on the Mississippi River, just north of Fountain City, WI. This riverfront park has over 300 acres of marshy backwaters to explore with tons of wildlife. Fishermen will be very happy here as it's easily one of the best fishing spots in Wisconsin. Camping near Merrick State Park, WI means you can spend your days fishing, swimming, boating, hunting, hiking, walking, and exploring the excellent views and park area. The temperatures are warming up so what better time than now to spend some time in the great outdoors with the ones we love most. So if you're looking to stay near the Mississippi River, check out the best places to camp near Merrick State Park! Wisconsin cabins and camping rentals, glamping WI style, await!

Top things to do in Merrick State Park, Wisconsin

If you're looking for the top things to do in Merrick State Park, Wisconsin you've come to the right place. Located in Fountain City, Wisconsin, State Park camping here means you can expect lots of fun things to do outdoors. Known as a fishermen's haven, Merrick State Park fishing spots are some of the best fishing in Wisconsin. With the Mississippi River as your playground, you can easily go boating, swimming, and all the water sports you can think of. Pack your hiking boots and head for the local trails for some awesome views and fresh air. Keep your eyes peeled as well as there is tons of wildlife in this marshy area! If you want some activities outside of the park head to Elmer's Auto & Toy Museum for some cool automobile relics or head to the Mississippi Thunder Speedway to view some live car racing. That's sure to get our blood pumping. No matter what, you'll be happy you spent some quality time on your Wisconsin family vacations at Merrick State Park. Wisconsin glamping awaits!


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Rent a cabin near Merrick State Park, Wisconsin! Family vacations in nature

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