Summer in Europe: Safe Places to Travel after Coronavirus

Best places to visit in Europe for summer 2022: safe travel and tourism

Find the best European summer destinations for holidays this year!

We list the most popular summer in europe: safe places to travel after coronavirus!

Traveling to Europe this summer? Discover the best holiday homes for rent in safe destinations: villas in Spain, places to stay in Italy, & more!

Many of us had a summer in Europe planned that may no longer be happening. After the peak in Coronavirus cases around the world in the spring of 2022, the face of travel and holidays looks drastically different. Instead of seeking out the most popular beaches in Italy or the best beaches in Spain, the top museums in London or the best resorts in Greece, quite the opposite is what you are now left to plan. But just because you won't be at Ultra Europe in Croatia or running with bulls in Pamplona, doesn't mean you can still have a great summer in Europe. Summer holidays this year may look a little different, but they will be no less memorable! Many European countries have started to ease travel restrictions (although not for American passports) and traveling within the continent is a great way to spend your summer. Learn more about which European destinations are opening and to whom; find the best places to visit in Europe in a safe way and explore a new side of the continent when you go glamping. With low daily counts of new Coronavirus cases and good control over the outbreak, countries in Europe like Germany, Spain, Greece, Portugal, and more are slowly opening up and easing travel restrictions.

Best European summer destiantions for tourism post-Coronavirus

You can find some of the best European summer destinations for tourism post-Coronvirus on Glamping Hub. This global health pandemic has shifted everyone's focus to the great outdoors and Glamping Hub is here to help! Make sure to fully investigate each European destination's travel restrictions before you head out. For example, Germany is at the moment permitting border crossings from Austria, France, Denmark, Luxembourg, and Switzerland, with"random" checks conducted at crossing points; while Italy opened borders to international tourists from outside of Europe on July 3rd. The Netherlands ' borders are open to tourists from E.U. and Schengen countries except for the U.K. and Sweden, as long as they follow social distancing and wear masks when using public transportation. As you can see, each country has slight differences in their rules, so make sure to check with your embassy or local government. With all this in mind, some of the best places to travel in Europe after Coronavirus include Corfu (Greece), Cavtat (Croatia), Portugal's Azores Islands and the Algarve coast, or places like Kotor (Montenegro). This summer is your chance to do something different, so don't miss out on these European summer destinations.


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