Family Holiday Homes near the Great Barrier Reef

Discover the top Great Barrier Reef holidays in Queensland

Discover all of the things you need to know before visiting the Great Barrier Reef when you check out this collection of family holiday homes near the Great Barrier Reef! Located off the shores of Queensland, this extensive coral reef system is the largest in the world with over 3,000 reefs and 900 islands to explore—no wonder Great Barrier Reef holidays with kids are so popular! If you're wondering just how to visit the Great Barrier Reef (or how to see the Great Barrier Reef with children) wonder no more. Some of the best ways to see the reef include snorkeling, scuba diving or taking a scenic boat tour. No matter what you choose to do, you'll be glad you booked one of these family-friendly beach accommodations so you can have one of the best Great Barrier Reef holidays yet!

Discover how to visit the Great Barrier Reef with chidlren

Find the best family-friendly beach accommodations near the Great Barrier Reef
