Most Popular Camping Sites near Malahat, British Columbia

Discover amazing places to stay when you browse through this exclusive collection of popular camping sites near Malahat, British Columbia! Explore the province's lush waterfront forests, mountains, and scenic lake areas together with family, friends or even a loved one. Head to Goldstream Provincial Park for a laid-back walk or a swim at the river. Hike the beautiful Mount Finlayson or go mountain biking around Mount Work for spectacular natural views. Enjoy the peace and quiet of Durrance lake as you swim through its waters or trying fishing some lunch. As for the rest of your day, take advantage of our great amenities as you catch some relaxation in the glamping rental of your choice; choose from luxury cabins, cottages, tents and more. Take care of yourself when you confirm your stay in one of our remarkable camping sites near Malahat!
