Guest post by Ruben Martinez, Co-Founder of Glamping Hub
Our yearly tradition of traveling to Spain has lead us all around this diverse and colorful country, from big cities and secluded beaches to tiny villages and rocky mountains. On our most recent trip, we had the opportunity to spend two nights in a traditional yurt on the property of a functioning winery (called a “bodega” in Spain), located about 50 minutes north-west of Barcelona.
The bodega is owned and operated by Mark and Arbell, expatriates who have worked hard to restore their original, centuries-old country home in the town of Santa Maria de Olo. They began experimenting with winemaking about eight years ago and have recently found success in their eco-conscious style of wine production.
Upon arrival, we were greeted by Arbell, given a short tour of the facilities, and shown to a sparkling white, canvas yurt overlooking both the small village and their sprawling vines. The accommodation included a gas grill, a cooler, a composting toilet and a natural stone shower and sink built into the restored remnants of the town’s brick-making building. Arbell also included some fresh eggs from the chickens they keep on the property, a much-appreciated touch.
After a siesta and a look around our cozy yurt property, we were treated to a personal wine tasting inside their restored chalet, a unique delight offered to all who visit. We tasted three different merlots, a shiraz, and a cabernet—and we left with many bottles of each! The host and hostess were extremely knowledgeable and obliging, with interesting stories about the trials and tribulations associated with operating a self-sufficient winery within a foreign country.
The next day’s activities included a day trip to nearby Montserrat, a seemingly random mountain of rock formations, but with beautiful hiking trails and amazing views. We were also offered both road and mountain bike tours within the town of Santa Maria de Olo.
Within the town, there are a plethora of restaurants and shops to purchase whatnots and supplies. We opted to buy some filetes de ternera, or steaks, from the small butcher and fresh veggies from the market to grill that night. It all paired quite well with a bottle of Mark and Arbell’s oak-aged merlot!
Needless to say, we were sad to depart and move on with our travels in the morning, but excited to take a part of their winery with us in the form of great memories and a hearty supply of wine. This is a place we will definitely return to, and we highly recommend that you put this vineyard yurt on your list of glamping sites to visit.